Friday, October 27, 2017

GEOG 338: Lab 4

Melissa Hackenmueller

Geog 338
Lab 4: Miscellaneous Image Functions

Lab Goal
            Lab 4 had seven distinct learning goals that stem from various image functions that are important in the analysis of images. The first objective was to use image subset techniques to delineate a region of interest from a larger image. The second was using pen sharpen to adjust the spatial resolution of an image. The next objective was to learn some basic radiometric enhancement techniques, such as haze reduction, to enhance image analysis skills. The fourth goal was to enable the Google Earth feature of ERDAS Imagine to use as an aid in analysis. The fifth objective was to understand the basic tools of resampling images. The sixth goal of lab 4 was to use two image mosaicking procedures. The final goal was to introduce binary change detection and its uses in image analysis.

Part 1: The goal of part one was to learn how to use image subset. An image subset is creating a delineation of a region of interest from a larger satellite image scene. The first method used was an inquire box. Once the original image (eau_claire_2011.img) was imported I selected the inquire box from raster tools and then I adjusted the box to the desired Eau Claire area. Lastly, I used the tool subset and chip to create a permanent subset image. The major disadvantage of using the inquire box method, is that only rectangles can be made. The next method, area of interest, allows you to create a subset of any shape. The first step of the area of interest method was to add the desired image (eau_claire_2011.img) and then add the county shapefile (ec_cpw_cts.shp) on top of the image. Next, I selected both counties from the shapefile and saved them as an area of interest. Then I used the subset and chip tool again and clicked on AOI to tell the tool to use the area of interest file that I just created. This then created a new image, but now the image was the shape of the desired counties. 
Part 2: The objective of part two was to use the pen sharpen tool to improve the spatial resolution of an image. The first step I did was open the desired image (ec_cpw_2000.img) and then the panchromatic image of the same area (ec_cpw_2000pan.img) into a second viewer. Then I used the resolution merge tool from the pen sharpen section of the raster tools. The resolution merge window then popped up and I entered the correct inputs and output, then selected multiplicative for the method, and then selected nearest neighbor from the resampling techniques. I then ran the model to create a new image with a higher spatial resolution.
Part 3: The objective of part three was to learn simple radiometric enhancement techniques. Step one was to open the ec_claire_2007.img and then I used the haze reduction tool from the radiometric section of raster tools. I then entered the correct inputs and outputs and ran the haze reduction model. This created a new image that improved the scattering that was present on the original image.
Part 4: The goal of part four was to learn how to connect Google Earth with ERDAS Imagine and its benefits. The first step I did for this part was importing the eau_claire_2011.img. I then choose connect to Google Earth on the Google Earth tab. A Google Earth Interface opened and I choose match GE to view on ERDAS Imagine to match Google Earth with my Eau Claire image. I then sync GE to view to link the two images. Now, I could zoom in on one image and the other would automatically follow.
Part 5: The objective of part five was to resample images. Resampling is the process of changing the pixel size on an image. I started this section by importing the eau_claire_2011.img into the viewer; then I used the resample pixel size tool from the spatial tab of raster tools to bring up the resample window. I entered the correct input and outputs and chose the nearest neighbor method and changed the output size to 15x15 meters in both the x and y direction. This created a new image with a pixel size of 15x15 meters instead of 30x30 meters. There is multiple types of resampling methods, so I went back through the steps above but chose the method bilinear interpolation in the resampling window and created another image using this method.
Part 6: The goal of part 6 was image mosaicking. This means the combining of two satellite images. As usual, the first step was to go to the add image folder but this time the settings need to be changed to multiple images in virtual mosaic in the multiple tab. Then the first image eau_claire_1995p26r29.img can be added and then the same procedure followed to input eau_claire_1995_p26r29.img. Next, I used a simple method of image mosaicking, Mosaic Express. In the Mosaic Express window I added both of my images that I currently have open in my viewer, making sure to add the eau_claire_1995p26r29.img first and ran the model. Next, I ran another version of image mosaicking called MosaicPro. First, I added the images to the viewer as I did for the Mosaic Express method above; then I chose MosaicPro tool from the raster tools.  In the MosaicPro window I added the images, color corrected, set my output, set my overlap function, and then ran the model.
Part 7: The goal of this final part of lab four was to learn about image differencing or binary change detection. This is a feature that maps the temporal differences of an area. The first step is to open ec_envs1991.img in one viewer and ec_envs2011 in a second viewer. Next, I went to the two image functions tool in the functions section of the raster tools. I then input both of the images above into the two input operators interface. I changed the operator from addition to subtraction, changed the layer for the inputs just to layer 4, and then I ran the model. I then observed the metadata of this new image and found the upper and lower change threshold using the mean and standard deviation. This gave me a rough idea of the amount of change but I needed a more precise number. Therefore, I started a model by going to model maker in the toolbox. I made the first model (Figure 1) so that there would be no negative values of change as there was in my histogram before. Then I created a second model (Figure 2) to map these areas of change. This change map was difficult to view in ERDAS Imagine so I used ArcMap to create a proper, readable map.

Figure 1 
Figure 2
Part 1: Figure 3 is the result I got from using the inquire box tool to create a subset image. Figure 4 is the image I got from using the area of interest method to create a subset image.

Figure 3
Figure 4
 Part 2: Figure 5 is the comparison of the original ec_cpw_2000 image on the left and the pen sharpened image on the right. Notice the obvious improvement in contrast in the pen sharpened image. 
Figure 5
Part 3: Figure 6 is the comparison of the original eau_claire_2007.img on the left and the improved haze reduction image on the right.
Figure 6

Part 5: I noticed a more apparent change in the bilinear interpolation method so Figure 7 is the original eau_claire_2011.img on the left and the resampled image on the right. The images are zoomed in to show the difference in pixel size.

Figure 7

Part 6: Figure 8 is the image mosaic I created using the Mosaic Express model. This model doesn’t do a good job at providing a seamless image but it is simple and quick. Figure 9 is the image I created using the MosaicPro model. This image is much more seamless than Figure 6.

Figure 8

Figure 9

Part 7: Figure 10 is a histogram showing roughly how much change has occurred between 1991 and 2011 in the Eau Claire region. Figure 11 is the change mapped in ArcMap.

                Figure 10                                                                 Figure 11

Eau Claire Remote Sensing Imagery, Earth Resources Observation and Science Center, United States Geological Survey.
Mastering ArcGIS 6th edition Dataset by Maribeth Price, McGraw Hill. 2014.

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